Cape Cod NEMBA is proud to partner with the many agencies responsible for open space on Cape Cod. Results of these relationships are real-world accomplishments – some of which are listed here. The “Dirtworks” page (coming soon!) will showcase Cape Cod NEMBA’s Signature Trails.
Adaptive Mountain Biking Signage
Cape Cod NEMBA installed trail signage at over thirty locations in West Barnstable Conservation Area to help trail users in navigating eight miles of trails suitable for adaptive mountain biking and beginner bikers. Hikers will also benefit from trail information that can assist with emergency service providers in locating people in need of assistance.

Trayser Bridge
2023, Elevation 29.5’
This 185’ boardwalk in Barnstable Village passes through a wetland area with in a heavily forested segment of the Town of Barnstable’s Main Trail (Cape Cod Pathways). Constructed by NEMBA volunteers over the course of a week with materials purchased by the Town of Barnstable, the boardwalk keeps trail users out of the mud during periods of high water levels.

Maple Swamp Picnic Pavilion
2022, Elevation 86’
To complement the expanded trail network at the Maple Swamp, Cape Cod NEMBA purchased materials at a discount from Shepley Wood products and a grant from Athletic Brewing to create a spot to gather before and after hitting the trails. Volunteers constructed the shelter within the “Funtrack” – a 1/10 mile long loop enjoyed by kids of all ages. This is one of the launching points for Cape Cod NEMBA’s after-school mountain biking program managed by Sandwich Recreation Department.

Sam Nye’s Mountain Overlook
2021, Elevation 216’
One of Cape Cod’s most iconic vistas, Sam Nye’s Mountain provides views as far away as the Pilgrim Monument in Provincetown. This observation deck was constructed by Cape Cod NEMBA volunteers with discounted materials from Shepley Wood Products. The deck is adjacent to a recently created Mountain Biking network at Maple Swamp Conservation Area in the Town of Sandwich, enjoyed by hikers and trail runners as well. This is a great spot to take a break and take in the view.

West Barnstable Picnic Pavilion
2017, Elevation 83′
Located at the most popular starting point for mountain bikers at West Barnstable Conservation Area, this picnic shelter provides a great spot to gather before and after rides. Funded and constructed by Cape Cod NEMBA and its volunteers the shelter and the trail network are available to all users. Added bonus: during summer months Cape Cod NEMBA pays for a port-a-potty adjacent to the parking lot for folks to take care of business.

Walker Point Overlook
1999, Elevation 196’
With materials supplied by the Town of Barnstable, Cape Cod NEMBA volunteers constructed this viewing platform at a high point in West Barnstable Conservation Area. The vista for visitors includes distant views as far as Mashpee and North Falmouth. Nearby are foundations for an old observation tower.